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Update on L.A. County Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act (TOPA) Policy Ordinance
Friday, Aug 13, 2021 @ 05:15 PM

Last Tuesday at the LA County Board of Supervisors meeting, Supervisors Hilda Solis and Sheila Kuehl authored and introduced a motion to begin drafting an ordinance for tenants to receive the first opportunity to purchase a home if the owner decides to sell. The Board of Supervisors will review and report back on the language in 90 days.

Originally this process was going to only receive input from organizations such as Legal Aid Foundation and LA Community Land Trust Coalition. However, at the last moment, this motion was amended by Supervisors Solis and Kuehl to include to include input from the real estate industry professionals and housing providers as part of this process thanks to advocacy efforts by GLAR. The Board of Supervisors unanimously approved to begin drafting this ordinance.

Stay tuned as this process plays out to learn when GLAR members can participate in the future to provide valuable feedback to LA County.

CLICK HERE to review the amended and approved TOPA ordinance

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